


Greg is the Head of Role for Software Engineering and DevOps at Home Office Digital, Data and Technology. 我们问了格雷格一系列十大网博靠谱平台工程专业的问题, 以及在那里工作的感觉.


The Home Office is the lead government department for immigration and passports, 药物政策, 犯罪, 火, 反恐和警察. 每一天, 我们的工作为英国公民带来成果, 为他们提供周游世界的工具, 打击非法移民,驱逐外籍罪犯, 打击恐怖袭击和有组织犯罪集团, stopping people from becoming victims of 犯罪 and supporting those who require asylum and safeguarding.

来实现这一切, 我们依靠具有广泛技能的人才, 包括数字, 数据和技术技能, where we are seeking to increase our civil service recruitment in significant numbers in Manchester, 谢菲尔德, 格拉斯哥, 伦敦和克罗伊登. And this is why we’re excited to be sponsoring and taking part in this year’s 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 技能节. 我和我的团队都期待着与尽可能多的人见面, so do visit the Home Office Digital 数据与技术 stand on Talent Day, 我们可以告诉你更多十大网博靠谱平台的工作和提供的角色. 

Tell me a little about why you wanted to work in the public sector and the Home Office, specifically?

我已经做了12年的专业软件开发人员, 但作为一个自学成才的业余爱好者,时间要长得多. 在澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台内政部之前,我只在私营部门工作, from building HR and finance software to Android apps that control the blue lights in Police and Fire vehicles. 我也花了很长时间在我当地的警察部队做志愿者, 这就是内政部的工作, 维护国家的安全, 我们建立的各种系统完全符合我的价值观. 在公共部门工作让我有了使命感, that I am making a difference – doing work that matters to everyone whether they know it or not! 

Why is it an exciting time to work in the Home Office software engineering profession and what are the future goals that will support Home Office priorities to keep the country safe and secure?

我们的数字, 数据与技术 (DDaT) teams build and maintain lots of services that help stakeholders and individuals, 即使他们不直接与内政部合作. 这包括公众, 私人组织, 其他英国政府部门和世界各国政府, so, 我们的工作意义深远. 

We manage over 600 different services, using a range of different technologies and platforms. 这为我们的团队提供了广泛的学习/发展技能, and problems to solve across all projects and tech they work on – to continuously improve. 

角色适用于各种技能水平, 从实习, 联系, or Apprentice Software Developers through to our Principal Developer and Principal Engineer roles and everything in between. 我们所有的现场空缺职位目前都在 公务员招聘网站,或我们的 十大网博靠谱平台数字个人资料页面

How are teams made up to ensure project delivery and maintenance of systems and public services?

我们有以产品为中心的多学科团队, 只要有可能,我们就会以这种方式组织团队. 因此,一个典型的团队可能包括几个软件开发人员, 嵌入式开发运维工程师, 产品经理, 测试工程师, 业务分析师, 用户研究人员和内容设计师,以及更多来自我们的 DDaT职业,根据需要,人员可以在这些团队中进进出出. 我们不仅仅是迭代地工作, 但也以一种敏捷的方式, 哪些是贯穿我们项目生命周期的, 帮助我们提供以用户为中心的服务.

我们遵循交付阶段从 政府.英国服务手册 which really puts emphasis on making sure we understand our users and the problems they’re facing, working iteratively on solutions and getting regular feedback so we know we’re building the best product. The team make up and the support requirements is determined by the phase of the project. 例如, 在Alpha阶段, 我们可能需要许多用户研究人员和内容设计师, 但随着产品进入生命周期, 我们可以通过额外的软件开发来增加团队, and then the product will be transitioned into live level 1 / 2 / 3 support.


内政部是一个高度数字化的机构, 这是许多外部人士可能没有意识到的事情, 以及我们如何为政府和公众提供服务, 保护公民的安全真的很重要.

我们的服务范围很广, from large critical national infrastructure through to routine services such as processing correspondence, 这也包括公共和安全或秘密系统. 

我们的一些服务可能会挽救生命,就像下面强调的那样 最近的博客:“为什么在内政部编程更重要”, 十大网博靠谱平台一个新的报告现代奴隶制形式的发展,其中包括DDaT开发者Sulthan. 


这取决于团队和产品. Something I always say about the tech here is that we’re so big that we’ve got a bit of something for almost everyone, 不管你的编程语言背景如何. 我们有一些非常现代的技术, with cloud-based services that are running on AWS Azure and Azure Functions, 使用React将基础设施作为代码, 表达, JS / TS, 节点, 春天, 和Java, 有你能想到的所有存储服务——Mongo, PostgreSQL, RDS, 红移, DynamoDB和其他.

We also have BS2000 mainframes running some of the country’s most critical services!

How does remuneration and benefits compare with the market in the Home Office?

在内政部工作有很多福利, 这里包含了更多的信息 员工福利动画短片. Some of our developers have said they were particularly attracted by the pension, 哪一个的雇主供款率在26%之间.6 – 30.3%. 


  • 起薪就你的级别来说很有竞争力
  • An additional allowance of up to £13,700 for candidates with exceptional skills and experience
  • 公务员退休金,雇主供款率在26%之间.6%和30%.3%,视工资而定 
  • 聘任后的25天年假, 服务10年后延长至30天, 加上8天的公众假期和1天的女王生日
  • 季票贷款和租赁保证金贷款 
  • 各种员工表彰计划 
  • 孕妇, 收养或共享育儿假,最长可达26周全薪, 接着是13周的法定工资和13周的无薪
  • Study leave and support for studying for a qualification or other accredited development relevant to your role
  • 员工折扣——包括大量的零售商
  • 微软家庭使用计划和健身房会员 

Working in the Home Office is a great place to start and grow a Software Engineering career, 但是听到 Brandon是我们的高级开发运维工程师 找出原因.

It’s also important to consider the impact you can have delivering public services – that affect millions of people every day, 为您提供的发展和职业发展工具和支持, 你将获得经验, 在友好的多学科敏捷团队中工作. There really is nowhere else that you would gain this extensive experience! 

Can employees work remotely or flexibly in the Home Office Software Engineering profession?

英国内政部鼓励尽可能灵活的工作, 包括兼职工作, 压缩时间, 远程工作, 混合动力工作, 工作分享和半年制工作.

Within our DDaT teams, flexible working will depend on the teams and the systems that people work on. 正如我提到的, some of our systems are on the upper end of critical national infrastructure and Secret. So, flexible working arrangements will be considered carefully depending on where you work. 

Hybrid working enables employees to work partly in their workplace(s) and partly at home. 随着Covid-19限制被取消, 在业务需要允许的情况下,可以使用混合工作模式. Applicants can discuss what this means with the hiring manager if they have specific questions.


For more information about our organisation, and the roles on offer visit our 十大网博靠谱平台数字内政部页面  

You can also search all of live Digital roles including apprenticeship opportunities directly on 公务员职位.

遵循我们: 英国内政部工作 @Home_Office工作

